Available Protection Plans
Major Appliance Plans
Grill Plans
Patio Furniture Plans
TV and Speaker Plans
Why Purchase a Protection Plan?
Product Repair and Replacement
If your product stops working, Extend will repair it at no additional cost! And if they can't repair it, they'll replace it!
Speedy Service
BBQGuys and Extend will help make sure that you get your replacement quickly so you can get back to what you love.
Peace of Mind
Use your product freely and without worry. Extend has you covered!
Failure Protection
When regular use of your product over time results in failure, Extend will promptly fix or replace it.
Zero Deductible
Extend will never charge you a deductible after the purchase of a plan.
Customer-focused Support
Extend offers a simple, easy claims process with a customer service team that is happy to help.
Extend Protection Plans FAQs
Why should I add Extend protection?
Extend provides peace-of-mind with added protection for the products you love. Extend offers an affordable, stress-free protection plan so your stuff is covered, even after manufacturer warranties expire.
What if I need to return my product?
You return your product, the merchant returns the money you paid for the protection plan. Depending on how much time has passed since your purchase, Extend will issue a pro-rated refund.
What do I need to provide if I file a claim?
When filing a claim with Extend, you will simply need to provide either your contract ID, email address or another identifying piece of information.
I need help with the filing process.
Getting help is easy! You can contact the BBQGuys team of product experts at any time through our contact form, email us at customerservice@bbqguys.com or call us toll-free, 1-877-743-2269.
Need to File a Claim with New Leaf?
BBQGuys continues it's commitment to serving customers with protection plans through New Leaf. To file a claim, make sure to have your sales receipt, product manufacturer, model and serial number available. Simply call the toll-free number 855-879-6395 or click the link below. A service representative will verify the information on file and issue a service order number. Once the failure is determined eligible for coverage an authorized service provider will diagnose the repair. Based on the repair estimate, New Leaf will determine if your product should be repaired or replaced.
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