Latin American Inspired Recipes
Stretching from Mexico and the Caribbean to Central and South America, the robust culture and history of Latin America is incredibly rich. Its cuisine? Even richer. There's no better excuse to acquaint yourself with the inventive, exotic flavors of the region than these delicious recipes. Featuring everything from savory traditional dishes to thoughtful, contemporary spins on a few familiar faces, these in-house tested recipes are curated to help you expand your own horizons (and perhaps your palate). Embark on a saporous trip through the culinary vestiges of Aztec, Mayan, and Incan civilization — updated for the modern kitchen with all the regional trimmings. For a great early stop, start off strong: sear your own Grilled Brazillian Steak with Homemade Chimichurri Sauce. You'll wind up with zesty, piquant sauce drizzled over mouthwatering cuts of tender flank steak (pro-tip: this pairs with Watermelon Sangria like a seasoned tango dancer).
Featured Recipe
Recipe: Grilled Shrimp Tacos with Mango Avocado Salsa on the Napoleon Phantom Prestige Gas Grill
Latin American Inspired Recipes
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