How to Unsubscribe From BBQGuys Emails
Want to take a break from our recipes, articles, and general grilling know-how? Take your pick from the options below:
Update Your Email Preferences
Pick any BBQGuys email in your inbox. Scroll to the very bottom, and you'll find an “Update your preferences" link near the bottom-right corner to click. This will take you to a page where you can give us a better idea of the type of messages you'll receive from now on — or unsubscribe altogether (and break our hearts).
Unsubscribe From Our Newsletter
If you already know that your preference change is, you could use the "unsubscribe now" link in our emails instead. We've conveniently placed that in the same spot; it will bring you to a page to help you narrow down your interests or ultimately (cue the rain) leave our newsletter. You can also unsubscribe from our newsletter through our website by clicking here.
Back-in-stock alerts for our products use a separate newsletter channel — that way, you (and everyone else) won't get pinged every time Peggy's favorite steak knives are back on the shelves again. To drop any stock notifications, simply click the unsubscribe link within one of those specific emails.
Unsubscribe From BBQGuys SMS Texts
We get it. Maybe receiving text messages from your favorite BBQ and outdoor living friends is a level of commitment you're just not ready for yet. Thankfully, we make it quick and painless for you (the only pain will be in our hearts). Simply pop your latest one open and reply with the word "STOP" — without the quotation marks. We'll confirm with one last buzz.
If the rigmarole of clicking links isn't your style, we'd love to take care of it for you. Feel free to email our customer service team at and request removal from any of these lists. We'll be sad to see you go, but will hope to see you again soon.
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